June 3, 1997

Rapid City, SD to Interior, SD
97 miles

"...Wall Drug..." [uncountable billboards]

The rain stopped. We found our way through Rapid City and onto the Great Plains, where we met our old friend the headwind as we approached Wall, SD, home of the infamous Wall Drug. After lunch we wound our way through the Badlands, of which you will find many pictures below. Mark Bazerman and I missed a key turn and ended up riding 114 miles total.

The Great Plains, early in the ride:
Great Plains

Wall Drug's answer to Lost World:

Mike Weston, Brian Holsenbeck, and Mark Bazerman outside Wall Drug:
Outside Wall Drug

A couple of pictures from the first of many viewpoints at the Badlands:
Badlands #1

Badlands #2

Win Westervelt, Sandra White, Rob Christian, and Mike Weston:
People at the Badlands

More Badlands:
Badlands #4

Badlands #5

Win (bike over head) and Mark Bazerman:
Badlands (Win and Mark)

Still more Badlands:
Badlands #7

Badlands #8

Badlands #9

Badlands #10

Badlands #11

Badlands #12 (finally)

A cow:
